
Houston Republic

Saturday, September 21, 2024

U.S. Rep. Wesley Hunt (TX)

Recent News About U.S. Rep. Wesley Hunt (TX)

  • Rep. Wesley Hunt introduces bill for accurate offshore resource assessment

    Representative Wesley Hunt has introduced H.R. 9472, known as the Comprehensive Offshore Resource Enhancement (CORE) Act. The bill aims to provide an accurate assessment of undiscovered oil and gas reserves in the United States and the Gulf of Mexico.

  • Hunt introduces act protecting US firms from Russian litigation

    Today, Congressman Wesley Hunt introduced The Protecting Americans from Russian Litigation Act of 2024. The bill has garnered bipartisan support with cosponsorship from members of the House Judiciary Committee: Rep. Glenn Ivey (D-MD), Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), Rep. Scott Fitzgerald (R-WI), Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA), and Rep. Laurel Lee (R-FL).

  • Wesley Hunt's Royalty Resiliency Act passes Senate with bipartisan support

    Today, H.R. 7377 - The Royalty Resiliency Act, which provides financial relief to exploration and production companies operating on federal lands, has passed the Senate. Congressman Wesley Hunt introduced the act earlier this year, and it passed the United States House of Representatives on July 22nd with bipartisan support.

  • Hunt praises bipartisan effort on Water Resources Development Act

    The Water Resources Development Act of 2024 (WRDA), designated as H.R. 8812, was passed today. The act includes a significant provision directing the United States Army Corps of Engineers to complete the Buffalo Bayou Tributaries Resiliency Study (BBTRS). This provision, introduced by Congresswoman Fletcher and Congressman Hunt, represents the final step before constructing a viable flood mitigation project aimed at permanently ending flooding in Houston.

  • House passes Congressman Wesley Hunt's Royalty Resiliency Act

    On August 1, 2024, Congressman Wesley Hunt's legislation H.R. 7377, known as The Royalty Resiliency Act, passed the House. This bill amends the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act of 1982 to improve the management of royalties from oil and gas leases.

  • President signs bipartisan Recruit and Retain Act into law

    Congressman Wesley Hunt's legislation, The Recruit and Retain Act, has been signed into law by the President of the United States. It was the only bill during Police Week that received President Biden's signature.

  • Congressman Hunt's Recruit and Retain Act passes House of Representatives

    In recognition of National Police Week, the United States House of Representatives has passed Congressman Wesley Hunt's legislation, known as The Recruit and Retain Act. This bipartisan bill, co-led in the House by Congressman Glenn Ivey (D-MD), is now set to be sent to the President for approval.

  • Congressman Wesley Hunt's Bill - The Recruit and Retain Act reported favorably out of the House Judiciary Committee

    On May 1, 2024, Congressman Wesley Hunt's legislation H.R. 3325 was reported favorably out of the House Judiciary Committee. The bill, known as The Recruit and Retain Act, aims to address challenges faced by law enforcement agencies in hiring and retaining officers across the nation.The bill focuses on leveraging the COPS Hiring Program (CHP) to ensure its responsiveness to the latest hiring challenges. It seeks to reduce onboarding costs for new officers, alleviate administrative burdens, create opportunities to build trust with local youth, and conduct research to...

  • Bill to Improve Oil and Gas Royalties Management Advances in Congress

    Congressman Wesley Hunt's legislation, H.R. 7377 - The Royalty Resiliency Act, has made significant progress as it passed out of the House Natural Resources Committee. The bill aims to amend the Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Management Act of 1982 to enhance the management of royalties from oil and gas leases.One of the key provisions of the bill addresses the issue of royalty payments based on land ownership. Currently, lessees are required to pay the Federal Government a 100% royalty rate on production until a communization agreement is approved, even if the government...

  • Congressman Wesley Hunt Opposes H.R. 7888 - The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)

    U.S. Representative Wesley Hunt (R, TX-38) took a firm stance today against H.R. 7888 - The Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act. Hunt's opposition stems from his belief in the necessity of ensuring proper warrants are obtained before deploying intelligence activities to prevent surveillance of American citizens. Hunt expressed, "I am firm in my belief that there should be a requirement that federal agents must obtain the proper warrants before deploying these intelligence activities to ensure they only target foreign persons and not American citizens."Hunt's...

  • Rep. Wesley Hunt & Senator Graham Push Back on Democrats’ Plan for a Federal Election Takeover

    U.S. Representative Wesley Hunt and Senator Lindsey Graham have spoken out against the Democrats' plan for a federal election takeover. During a testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Representative Hunt emphasized the importance of preserving voter identification and maintaining secure, state-run elections. He stated, “Having a government-issued I.D. isn’t racist, it’s American.”Senator Graham also criticized the John R. Lewis Voting Advancement Act, a piece of legislation that aims to remove voter identification and citizenship verification requirements,...

  • Congressman Wesley Hunt Votes to Impeach Alejandro Mayorkas

    In a significant move, Congressman Wesley Hunt has voted for the impeachment of Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, for the second time in a week. The impeachment comes as a result of Mayorkas' failure to effectively secure the American homeland.Following the impeachment, Congressman Hunt released a statement expressing his concerns and justifying his decision. He emphasized the pressing issue of illegal immigration at the southern border, stating, "The number one issue facing Americans is the illegal invasion at our southern border." Highlighting the...

  • Congressman Wesley Hunt and Senator Marco Rubio Introduce: The Mandatory Removal Proceedings Act

    Congressman Wesley Hunt and Senator Marco Rubio have introduced the Mandatory Removal Proceedings Act, a bill that aims to address the issue of aliens whose visas are revoked on security or related grounds. The bill requires the Secretary of Homeland Security to immediately initiate removal proceedings for such individuals.In a statement, Congressman Hunt expressed his support for the bill and highlighted the urgency of the situation. He said, "I am pleased to lead Senator Marco Rubio's Mandatory Removal Proceedings Act in the House of Representatives, and I applaud his...

  • The Debbie Smith Act Passes U.S. House of Representatives Unanimously

    The United States House of Representatives has unanimously passed the Debbie Smith Act of 2023, a bill designed to reauthorize the DNA Backlog Elimination Program. Congressman Wesley Hunt (TX-38) played a key role as an original Co-Lead on this bill.The Debbie Smith Act, also known as H.R. 1105, aims to continue the support provided by the DNA Backlog Elimination Program from FY2024 through FY2029. This program has been instrumental in assisting law enforcement and crime labs across all 50 states in analyzing untested rape and sexual assault kits. It also helps improve...

  • Congressman Hunt Returns $10.9M to the Constituents of TX-38

    In a proud and momentous announcement, Congressman Hunt of Texas' 38th district revealed that his team has successfully returned a substantial amount of money to the constituents. The remarkable sum of nearly $11 million has been handed back to the friends and neighbors of #TX38, a testament to the dedication and commitment of Congressman Hunt and his team.With great pride, Congressman Hunt expressed his gratitude and honor in being able to serve and work for the people. In a statement, he said, "It's an honor to continue working for YOU." The Congressman's commitment to...

  • Congressman Introduces Bipartisan Bill to Reduce DNA Testing Backlog

    Washington DC - Congressman Wesley Hunt, along with bipartisan support, has introduced a bill aimed at reducing the backlog of untested DNA evidence in criminal investigations, particularly in cases of rape and sexual assault. The bill, known as the Debbie Smith Act, has passed the Judiciary Committee for mark-up.The Debbie Smith Act, which has already successfully matched nearly 200,000 DNA cases since its inception in 2005, provides federal grants to states to help expedite the testing of biological material that may contain DNA. By reauthorizing this act, Congress aims...

  • Subcommittee Chairman Welsey Hunt Highlights Burdensome Energy Regulations at House Committee Hearing

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the House Committee on Small Business Subcommittee on Rural Development, Energy, and Supply Chains convened a hearing to discuss the impact of burdensome energy regulations on small offshore energy producers. In his opening statement, Subcommittee Chairman Welsey Hunt emphasized the importance of supporting domestic energy production and the challenges faced by drillers and service providers."The Biden Administration’s war on domestic oil and gas production continues to impede American energy independence as they recklessly push radical...

  • Representative Hunt Honored with Distinguished Legislator Award for Support of Oil and Gas Industry

    Washington, D.C. - Representative Hunt, representing the 38th Congressional District of Texas, has been recognized for his unwavering support of the oil and gas industry with the prestigious Distinguished Legislator Award from the International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC).During a meeting with IADC Senior Vice President Bob Warren and industry representatives, Congressman Hunt discussed various aspects of the oil and gas arena, including the challenges and opportunities it presents.The IADC's Legislator Award is reserved...

  • Congressman Wesley Hunt 8-Month Recap

    This is Wesley Hunt, your Congressman for Congressional District 38 in Houston, TX. Since my swearing-in 8 months ago, a lot has happened in Congress, but I’m extraordinarily proud of the work my office has done for our friends and neighbors in TX-38!