TX Commissioner of Education Mike Morath 2023 | State Board for Education
TX Commissioner of Education Mike Morath 2023 | State Board for Education
Primary data on overall student readiness in Brookline Elementary School is derived from the TSI's assessments, which evaluate student capabilities in reading, writing, and mathematics. Certain students may qualify for exemptions from these assessments. In contrast, CCMR focuses on preparedness for life post-high school, factoring in TSI scores along with other criteria like dual credits, AP/IB exam results, and more, to provide insights into specific subject performance.
In the 2021-22 school year, Brookline Elementary School's student population was made up of 764 students, of which 241 were Hispanic, nine African American, and three White students.
Data shows that 57% of Brookline Elementary School six white students, 37% of its 26 African American students, and 33% (241) of its 731 Hispanic students had "mastered" their grade level in the 2021-22 school year and were "on track for college and career readiness," as measured by state academic standards.
The TEA says students who meet, but haven't mastered their grade level are "prepared to progress to the next grade," but are not on a college track.
In 2020-21, the TEA noted that 651 Brookline Elementary School students - equivalent to 84% of the student population - were not on the academic path to college eligibility. This contrasts with 2021-22, where the percentage stood at 66%, marking an 18% decrease from the previous year.
Despite an improvement after the pandemic, Texas students are still struggling to keep a good performance and reach grade level in schools. In the 2021-22 school year, nearly two-thirds (60%) of students were below grade level in math and 48% did not meet the standards in reading language and arts.
According to Chandra Villanueva, director of policy and advocacy for Every Texan, one of the main causes for this is bad funds management. "Your average homeowner is like, 'Look, I'm paying more and more every single year. Why are my schools still underfunded, overcrowded, my teachers underpaid? Obviously, the schools are doing a bad job with my money,'" she said in an interview. Currently, Texas residents pay more than $70 billion annually in taxes destined to public education.
Gov. Abbott has been calling not only for an end to the main school property tax, but to use public money to support private schools. The initiative is called universal private school choice and, if passed, would allow residents to use taxpayer money to pay for their kids' private education.
"School choice not only improves education for every kid and every parent who chooses that pathway," Abbott said at the Texas Capitol on Oct. 16.
School | Total Students | % On College Track |
Alcott Elementary School | 202 | 82% |
Almeda Elementary School | 802 | 83% |
Anderson Elementary School | 630 | 86% |
Arabic Immersion Magnet School | 473 | 60% |
Ashford Elementary School | 564 | 85% |
Askew Elementary School | 886 | 74% |
Atherton Elementary School | 446 | 88% |
Attucks Middle School | 399 | 86% |
Austin High School | 1,557 | 93% |
Barrick Elementary School | 541 | 86% |
Bastian Elementary School | 664 | 91% |
Baylor College of Medicine Academy at Ryan | 507 | 65% |
Baylor College of Medicine Biotech Academy at Rusk | 396 | 75% |
Bell Elementary School | 579 | 84% |
Bellaire High School | 3,115 | 69% |
Benavidez Elementary School | 920 | 88% |
Benbrook Elementary School | 461 | 75% |
Berry Elementary School | 757 | 75% |
Black Middle School | 1,292 | 64% |
Blackshear Elementary School | 289 | 80% |
Bonham Elementary School | 933 | 84% |
Bonner Elementary School | 645 | 89% |
Braeburn Elementary School | 767 | 86% |
Briargrove Elementary School | 812 | 69% |
Briarmeadow Charter | 564 | 51% |
Briscoe Elementary School | 211 | 81% |
Brookline Elementary School | 764 | 66% |
Browning Elementary School | 406 | 81% |
Bruce Elementary School | 348 | 86% |
Burbank Elementary School | 822 | 70% |
Burbank Middle School | 1,423 | 66% |
Burnet Elementary School | 404 | 84% |
Burrus Elementary School | 275 | 90% |
Bush Elementary School | 766 | 39% |
Cage Elementary School | 440 | 77% |
Carnegie Vanguard High School | 913 | 32% |
Carrillo Elementary School | 380 | 75% |
Challenge Early College High School | 476 | 60% |
Chavez High School | 2,404 | 90% |
Clifton Middle School | 555 | 88% |
Codwell Elementary School | 337 | 89% |
Community Services-Sec | 74 | 100% |
Condit Elementary School | 728 | 50% |
Cook Junior Elementary School | 509 | 81% |
Coop Elementary School | 568 | 88% |
Cornelius Elementary School | 800 | 70% |
Crespo Elementary School | 580 | 77% |
Crockett Elementary School | 542 | 81% |
Cullen Middle School | 335 | 90% |
Cunningham Elementary School | 610 | 73% |
Davila Elementary School | 410 | 62% |
De Chaumes Elementary School | 736 | 75% |
De Zavala Elementary School | 453 | 74% |
Deady Middle School | 666 | 88% |
Deanda Elementary School | 553 | 77% |
Debakey High School for Health Prof | 891 | 34% |
Dogan Elementary School | 493 | 86% |
Durham Elementary School | 552 | 74% |
Durkee Elementary School | 466 | 82% |
East Early College High School | 448 | 64% |
Eastwood Academy | 397 | 60% |
Edison Middle School | 509 | 85% |
Eliot Elementary School | 524 | 76% |
Ella Junior Baker Montessori School | 565 | 66% |
Elmore Elementary School | 570 | 92% |
Elrod Elementary School | 696 | 77% |
Emerson Elementary School | 921 | 84% |
Energized for Excellence Academy Elementary | 1,342 | 83% |
Energized for Excellence Academy Inc Middle | 701 | 79% |
Energized for STEM Academy High School | 653 | 83% |
Energized for STEM Academy Middle | 399 | 81% |
Energy Institute High School | 696 | 65% |
Field Elementary School | 418 | 51% |
Fleming Middle School | 380 | 88% |
Foerster Elementary School | 638 | 91% |
Fondren Elementary School | 302 | 85% |
Fondren Middle School | 967 | 89% |
Fonville Middle School | 733 | 86% |
Forest Brook Middle School | 742 | 93% |
Foster Elementary School | 391 | 76% |
Franklin Elementary School | 282 | 81% |
Frost Elementary School | 527 | 90% |
Furr High School | 1,150 | 95% |
Gallegos Elementary School | 333 | 82% |
Garcia Elementary School | 383 | 84% |
Garden Oaks Montessori | 800 | 69% |
Garden Villas Elementary School | 419 | 85% |
Golfcrest Elementary School | 451 | 87% |
Gregg Elementary School | 383 | 81% |
Gregory-Lincoln Education Center | 599 | 84% |
Grissom Elementary School | 474 | 90% |
Gross Elementary School | 502 | 85% |
Hamilton Middle School | 919 | 74% |
Harris County JJAEP | 2 | 100% |
Harris Junior R. Elementary School | 309 | 85% |
Harris R. P. Elementary School | 551 | 95% |
Hartman Middle School | 1,033 | 89% |
Hartsfield Elementary School | 301 | 85% |
Harvard Elementary School | 677 | 52% |
Heights High School | 2,438 | 84% |
Helms Elementary School | 457 | 62% |
Henderson Junior Elementary School | 612 | 74% |
Henderson N. Elementary School | 226 | 88% |
Henry Middle School | 765 | 91% |
Herod Elementary School | 766 | 64% |
Herrera Elementary School | 811 | 76% |
High School Ahead Academy | 152 | 96% |
High School for Law and Justice | 439 | 76% |
Highland Hts Elementary School | 469 | 91% |
Hilliard Elementary School | 539 | 90% |
Hines-Caldwell | 721 | 80% |
Hobby Elementary School | 569 | 91% |
Hogg Middle School | 1,043 | 66% |
Holland Middle School | 683 | 89% |
Horn Elementary School | 752 | 30% |
Houston Academy for International Studies | 460 | 69% |
Houston Math Science and Technology Center | 2,741 | 93% |
Isaacs Elementary School | 275 | 90% |
Janowski Elementary School | 420 | 83% |
Jefferson Elementary School | 362 | 84% |
Jones Futures Academy | 298 | 85% |
Kashmere Gardens Elementary School | 445 | 93% |
Kashmere High School | 783 | 94% |
Kelso Elementary School | 406 | 90% |
Kennedy Elementary School | 531 | 80% |
Ketelsen Elementary School | 484 | 76% |
Key Middle School | 593 | 85% |
Kinder High School for Performing and Visual Arts | 781 | 46% |
Kolter Elementary School | 737 | 42% |
Lamar High School | 2,922 | 82% |
Lanier Middle School | 1,415 | 43% |
Lantrip Elementary School | 530 | 76% |
Law Elementary School | 566 | 82% |
Lawson Middle School | 1,374 | 84% |
Lewis Elementary School | 701 | 85% |
Liberty High School | 342 | 98% |
Lockhart Elementary School | 403 | 84% |
Long Academy | 833 | 92% |
Longfellow Elementary School | 671 | 84% |
Looscan Elementary School | 227 | 83% |
Love Elementary School | 325 | 74% |
Lovett Elementary School | 631 | 52% |
Lyons Elementary School | 863 | 77% |
Macgregor Elementary School | 475 | 78% |
Mading Elementary School | 374 | 89% |
Madison High School | 1,957 | 93% |
Mandarin Immersion Magnet School | 710 | 34% |
Mark White Elementary School | 650 | 73% |
Marshall Elementary School | 684 | 90% |
Marshall Middle School | 685 | 88% |
Martinez C. Elementary School | 307 | 85% |
Martinez R. Elementary School | 459 | 74% |
McGowen Elementary School | 396 | 89% |
McNamara Elementary School | 934 | 80% |
McReynolds Middle School | 470 | 90% |
Memorial Elementary School | 368 | 62% |
Meyerland Middle School | 1,141 | 78% |
Mickey Leland College Prep Academy for Young Men | 372 | 91% |
Middle College High School at Hcc Fraga | 129 | 77% |
Middle College High School at Hcc Gulfton | 128 | 96% |
Milby High School | 2,092 | 89% |
Milne Elementary School | 516 | 89% |
Mitchell Elementary School | 448 | 88% |
Montgomery Elementary School | 456 | 86% |
Moreno Elementary School | 702 | 75% |
Mount Carmel Academy | 268 | 89% |
Navarro Middle School | 593 | 88% |
Neff Elementary School | 708 | 81% |
North Forest High School | 1,000 | 94% |
North Houston Early College High School | 485 | 71% |
Northline Elementary School | 417 | 87% |
Northside High School | 1,319 | 90% |
Oak Forest Elementary School | 861 | 48% |
Oates Elementary School | 349 | 88% |
Ortiz Middle School | 950 | 83% |
Osborne Elementary School | 298 | 78% |
Park Place Elementary School | 797 | 74% |
Parker Elementary School | 856 | 57% |
Patterson Elementary School | 845 | 75% |
Peck Elementary School | 372 | 82% |
Pershing Middle School | 1,480 | 68% |
Petersen Elementary School | 380 | 81% |
Pilgrim Academy | 1,198 | 79% |
Pin Oak Middle School | 1,224 | 47% |
Piney Point Elementary School | 1,177 | 83% |
Pleasantville Elementary School | 269 | 81% |
Poe Elementary School | 784 | 59% |
Port Houston Elementary School | 267 | 86% |
Project Chrysalis Middle School | 269 | 52% |
Pugh Elementary School | 328 | 78% |
Ray Daily Elementary School | 785 | 69% |
Reagan K-8 Educational Center | 863 | 87% |
Red Elementary School | 585 | 67% |
Revere Middle School | 1,109 | 88% |
Reynolds Elementary School | 320 | 89% |
Rice School /La Escuela Rice | 1,062 | 71% |
River Oaks Elementary School | 599 | 23% |
Roberts Elementary School | 676 | 32% |
Robinson Elementary School | 547 | 83% |
Roderick R. Paige Elementary School | 395 | 85% |
Rodriguez Elementary School | 934 | 85% |
Roosevelt Elementary School | 433 | 75% |
Ross Elementary School | 305 | 88% |
Rucker Elementary School | 371 | 85% |
Sanchez Elementary School | 501 | 83% |
Scarborough Elementary School | 608 | 83% |
Scarborough High School | 765 | 95% |
School at St. George Place | 758 | 60% |
Scroggins Elementary School | 348 | 77% |
Secondary DAEP | 53 | 100% |
Seguin Elementary School | 430 | 84% |
Shadowbriar Elementary School | 521 | 84% |
Shadydale Elementary School | 683 | 88% |
Sharpstown High School | 1,731 | 94% |
Sharpstown International School | 1,304 | 76% |
Shearn Elementary School | 464 | 90% |
Sherman Elementary School | 521 | 82% |
Sinclair Elementary School | 627 | 58% |
Smith Elementary School | 776 | 83% |
Soar Center | 71 | 97% |
South Early College High School | 396 | 79% |
Southmayd Elementary School | 401 | 78% |
Sterling High School | 1,606 | 93% |
Stevens Elementary School | 551 | 89% |
Stevenson Middle School | 1,260 | 74% |
Sugar Grove Academy | 759 | 92% |
Sutton Elementary School | 1,008 | 78% |
T. H. Rogers School | 956 | 27% |
Tanglewood Middle School | 868 | 78% |
Texas Connections Academy at Houston | 10,126 | 79% |
Thomas Middle School | 522 | 88% |
Thompson Elementary School | 428 | 84% |
Tijerina Elementary School | 329 | 76% |
Tinsley Elementary School | 613 | 87% |
Travis Elementary School | 698 | 43% |
Twain Elementary School | 851 | 44% |
Valley West Elementary School | 681 | 79% |
Wainwright Elementary School | 462 | 86% |
Walnut Bend Elementary School | 677 | 82% |
Waltrip High School | 1,711 | 89% |
Washington B. T. High School | 848 | 88% |
Welch Middle School | 617 | 88% |
Wesley Elementary School | 256 | 87% |
West Briar Middle School | 1,117 | 70% |
West University Elementary School | 1,124 | 28% |
Westbury High School | 2,345 | 91% |
Westside High School | 2,931 | 79% |
Wharton K-8 Dual Language Academy | 608 | 61% |
Wheatley High School | 740 | 95% |
Whidby Elementary School | 413 | 82% |
White E. Elementary School | 720 | 79% |
Whittier Elementary School | 381 | 86% |
Williams Middle School | 427 | 90% |
Windsor Village Elementary School | 670 | 68% |
Wisdom High School | 2,031 | 94% |
Woodson School | 578 | 89% |
Worthing High School | 823 | 94% |
Yates High School | 929 | 92% |
Young Elementary School | 366 | 88% |
Young Women's College Prep Academy | 427 | 68% |