
Houston Republic

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Menefee responds to 'a very difficult year for children' as abuse, neglect deaths rise


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The Harris County attorney has vowed to be a voice for abused children on the heals of a tragic year that's resulted in more Texas children dying from abuse and neglect. 

Click 2 Houston reported that in the Houston area there were more than 6,000 confirmed cases of child abuse and neglect. Last year, the number of child deaths rose.

"2020 has been a very difficult year for children and families across Texas," Kathryn Sibley, Department of Family and Protective Services, told Click 2 Houston.

In 2020, 826 children died from abuse or neglect, which was a 7% increase from the year before. Child safety advocates believe the COVID-19 pandemic played a big role, mainly because children weren't physically in school which is where most reports to Child Protective Services come from.

"Children consider guidance counselors, teachers to be trusted adults," Kerry McCracken, executive director of the Children's Assessment Center in Houston, told KHOU. "And many of our clients make their initial outcries to these trusted adults."

Harris County Attorney Christian Menefee is one local official who said he'll continue to push to protect children.

"[I'm] proud to stand alongside the many nonprofits, state/county/city departments, and community organizations who do the important work of protecting abused and neglected children," Menefee wrote in a April 6 tweet. "The Harris County Attorney's Office will continue to advocate for the safety of children."

Experts are concerned over the lack of child abuse cases being reported as the number of deaths grow. The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services reported 251 children died from abuse and neglect in Texas during the 2020 fiscal year, with all but 33 cases having no previous investigations into allegations of abuse according to Click 2 Houston

Sibley said all Texans are "mandatory reporters" when it comes to concerns over child abuse. Those reports can be made online through the Department of Family and Protective Services or by calling 800-252-5400.